Emergency Operations Plan Development and Review
IPEM Requirement This course focuses on the local jurisdiction’s Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) according to 29 Illinois Administrative Code 301 (ESDA Rules). During the course, students will review and discuss the required elements of the Basic Plan, Functional Annexes, Hazard Specific Annexes, and the EOP review process. Students will review the Plan Development and Review Document (PDR), the ESDA Rules, and Comprehensive Planning Guidance-101 document from FEMA. The class is designed to aid EMA/ESDA Coordinators in writing the jurisdictional EOP; but will also benefit other agencies by describing their potential roles and responsibilities in the jurisdictional EOP as it is being developed, completed, and used in disasters.
Course Length: 12 hours
Course Manager: Please contact your Regional office for more information
Course Timeline: Unless otherwise stated, registration is always 30 minutes prior to the class start time. 9am - 3:30pm
Registration Information: Please see the IEMA training calendar
Prerequisite: IS 235.c and Emergency Planning Process. Each student is required to bring a copy of their organization/jurisdiction's EOP or annexes that relate to them to reference during the course.
Target Audience/Discipline: EMA & ESDA’s, Law Enforcement, Fire, Telecommunication, Public Works, Public Health, Hospitals, Volunteer Groups, Emergency Medical Services, Animal Control, Coroner, Private Industry, Schools, etc.
Scheduled Classes: There are no scheduled dates for this course.
Please note: Applications for courses will be accepted up to 1 day prior to the course date.
If you want to learn more about the Training Program or are interested in attending a specific course, please contact your IEMA Regional Coordinator or Nancy Buck. Registration should be made in advance to attend any IEMA sponsored class. Walk-in registrations are only accepted if room space and course materials are available. To register for IEMA classes, please see the IEMA Online Registration and Tracking Program Page.