G290 Basic Public Information Officer
This 2-day classroom course is an updated, shortened and revised version of the previous G290 course with the emphasis on skills development, and addresses the impact of technology on emergency public information. Describe why public informaition officers train at this level. Define NIMS, and explain where public information fits in. Define ICS and the role of the PIO within ICS. Analyse the communications needs of a single-PIO incident. Describe advantages and disadvantages of working with multiple PIOs. Differentiate between the the JIS and JIC. Describe triggers for JIC activation. Identify strategies for building partnerships as all levels.
Course Length: 16 hours
Course Manager:
Course Timeline:
Prerequisite: IS-29
Target Audience/Discipline: Emergency Responders/Receivers, Law Enforcement, Public Information/Media Specialist, Emergency Management, Public Safety Communications.
Scheduled Classes: There are no scheduled dates for this course.
Please note: Applications for courses will be accepted up to 1 day prior to the course date.
If you want to learn more about the Training Program or are interested in attending a specific course, please contact your IEMA Regional Coordinator or Nancy Buck. Registration should be made in advance to attend any IEMA sponsored class. Walk-in registrations are only accepted if room space and course materials are available. To register for IEMA classes, please see the IEMA Online Registration and Tracking Program Page.