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Training Courses

HazMat Awareness Train-The-Trainer

This two day course is designed to provide instructors the opportunity to become certified by Illinois Emergency Management Agency to instruct both the eight hour Hazardous Materials Awareness course and the four hour Hazardous Material Awareness Refresher course. Participants will become familiar with the Hazardous Material Awareness curriculum and materials necessary to instruct both of these courses. Participants will have the opportunity to apply what they have learned during group activities.

Course Length: 16 hours

Course Manager: Lori Canterbury 217/785-9903,

Course Timeline: This course starts at 8:00am and ends at 5:00pm on each day. Unless otherwise stated, registration is always 30 minutes prior to the class start time.

Prerequisite: None

Target Audience/Discipline: This course is designed and mandated for instructors wanting to become certified as a Hazardous Material Awareness Instructor.

Scheduled Classes: There are no scheduled dates for this course.

Please note: Applications for courses will be accepted up to 1 day prior to the course date.

If you want to learn more about the Training Program or are interested in attending a specific course, please contact your IEMA Regional Coordinator or Nancy Buck. Registration should be made in advance to attend any IEMA sponsored class. Walk-in registrations are only accepted if room space and course materials are available. To register for IEMA classes, please see the IEMA Online Registration and Tracking Program Page.



Contact Information

IEMA-OHS Main Office (217) 782-2700
24-hour Response (217) 782-7860
TTY 888-614-2381

2200 South Dirksen Parkway
Springfield, Illinois 62703