Training Application - Help
Getting access to the system
The first step to gaining access to the system is to fill out and submit the User Registration
form. Use the menu option "First Time User Registration" to open up the registration form.
Fill the form out completely (required fields are marked with an *) and submit the form.
If you have previously taken any training courses with IEMA, we will attempt to match your
registration with our current training database. Once we have either matched you with a
student from our training database or created a new user registration, we will email you a
password to use to gain access to the system. Use your email address and this
password to log in to the system.
Logging in to the system
Once you have received the email containing your password, click on the "Login" menu option.
Enter your email address and password into the appropriate fields. If you wish for the system
to remember you on subsequent visits, click the "Remember my email address" checkbox and it
will be populated for you whenever you come to the login screen.
Forgot your Password?
The login screen has a link you can use to have your password emailed to you in the event you
cannot remember it. Enter your email address into the email address field and then click the
"Email it to me" link. If the email address you entered is found in the system your password
will be emailed to the appropriate account.
Update your Profile
The "User Profile" menu option allows you to view and update your name, email address, password, home address, work address and contact information.
User History
The "User History" menu option displays a list of all classes you have registered for, along with the completion status you have attained. You can cancel
a registration, print certificates for completed classes as well as your full IEMA training transcript from this screen.
Register for a scheduled class
You can view a list of all the scheduled courses as well as a detailed summary of each available course by clicking on the "Upcoming Classes" menu option.
Clicking on a column heading will sort the list and allow you to quickly find a specific course and or location. Each of the course titles is clickable,
displaying a pop up window with details specific to that class. Once you have found the class you are looking for, click on the "Register" icon
along side that class to register yourself. The details for the class will display along with a "Submit Registration" button. Click the "Submit Registration" button to
Cancel a class you are currently registered for
The "User History" menu option will display a list of all classes you have registered for. If you have registered for an upcoming class, there will be
a "Registered" link in the second to last column for that class. Click on the "Registered" link to view the full details for your class. To cancel
your registration, click on the "Cancel Registration" button located on the top of the details page. You will then be directed to the History page
where you will see a status of "Canceled" for that particular entry.
Print certificate for a completed class
Independent Studies Certificate
FEMA Independent Studies are conducted by FEMA's Emergency Management Institute. If you need a transcript of your independent studies, fill out their IS transcript request form. Upon submitting a signed IS Transcript Request Form, a detailed transcript including your personal identification information, course numbers and titles, completion dates, and the number of contact hours and/or applicable Continuing Education Units will be mailed to you, and any institution you specify, usually within 30 days. To get a new copy of a certificate, you can contact the Independent Study Program's Customer Support Center at (301) 447-1200. One of their Customer Support Representatives will look up your student record, verify your course completion and issue you a certificate which will be mailed via US postal Service.
Print IEMA training transcript
The "User History" page is equipped with a "Print Transcript" button at the top of the page. Clicking on this button will display a printer friendly
version of your IEMA transcript. The report is designed to be printed with a landscape orientation - you will need to set this yourself using your printer
preferences. If the url,
page number or other unwanted information is printed at the top and/or bottom of the certificate, you may want to remove it from the print out using the
Page Setup dialogue box. You can access the page setup window by clicking on the Page Setup... menu option within the Printer drop-down menu (see above). Once this
window is displayed (see above), delete any unwanted information within the header and footer fields. Click OK and then print the certificate. When the
document has completed printing, close the window.
Contact Information
IEMA-OHS Main Office (217) 782-2700
24-hour Response (217) 782-7860
TTY 888-614-2381
2200 South Dirksen Parkway
Springfield, Illinois 62703