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Online Registration Instructions
Registration Completion
  1. Registration for regulated persons must be completed as required by 32 Ill. Admin. Code 330.40(d).
  2. Select the appropriate facility or company you are registering.
  3. Enter the Password supplied in the IEMA Notification Letter sent to your facility. In the event you do not have a letter or password, please contact Gary Forsee at the number below.
  4. Verify contact information.
  5. Complete only those questions and tables that are applicable to your facility. If you are a drinking water treatment facility, detail the wells and the treatment utilized at each. If you are a wastewater treatment facility, verify or add the drinking water treatment facilities in your collection system. Land applicators and landfills need only verify contact and permit information.
  6. Be sure to answer all questions as the Registration cannot be submitted if it is not complete.
  7. Complete the appropriate table(s) as directed.
  8. Submit your registration. This will fulfill the registration requirements of 32 IAC Section 330.40(d). An email confirmation will be sent as well.