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Radium Residual Program Reporting Forms
Wastewater Treatment Facility Annual Reporting Form - Wastewater treatment facilities required to register under 32 Ill. Adm. Code 330.40(d) are required to submit this form annually. This form is used to report any landfill disposals for the reporting year. Any land applications are reported on the "Land Application Reporting Form". A commercial applicator may fill out and submit this form on behalf of the wastewater or drinking water treatment facility.

Land Application Reporting Form - This form is used to report the land application of biosolids and sludges to IEMA. The form is specific to each parcel of land in use and, therefore, a separate page is required for each parcel of land utilized. This form would als be used to report a new parcel of land which will be used under 32 Ill. Adm. Code 330.40(d). A commercial applicator may fill out and submit this form on behalf of the wastewater or drinking water treatment facility.

Community Water Supply Reporting Form - Community water supplies required to register under 32 Ill. Adm. Code 330.40(d) are required to submit this form annually. This form is used to report any landfill disposals for the reporting year. Any land applications are reported on the "Land Application Reporting Form".