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FOIA - Tier II Hazardous Chemical Search

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Resource Links

Envirofacts Database
    This USEPA website provides a multi-search tool for several EPA databases, including Toxic Release Inventory (TRI), to provide you with information about environmental activities that may affect air, water, and land anywhere in the United States. With Envirofacts, you can learn more about these environmental activities in your area or you can generate maps of environmental information.
Material Safety Data Sheets/Safety Data Sheets
    This website allows the user to search the database by chemical, company, product name, or CAS code or NSN to see Material Safety Data Sheets. Can also search Toxicology Reports on this site.
LEPC Contact Information
    List of current contact information for Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs).
Search for Tier II Facilities with Hazardous Chemicals
  1. Searches can be performed on Facility name, Report Year, City, Zip Code, County & Street Address.
  2. You can narrow your search by using multiple fields. The results will return only those items that match all of your search criteria.
  3. The wild card character (*) can be used to match any character(s) within the specified field value.
    Example: entering *spring* into the city field will return results for "Springfield", "Spring Grove", "Willow Springs", etc.
    The wild card character can be used in all fields. It can also be used multiple times within the same field.
  4. Selecting the "Only EHS facilities." checkbox will limit the results to only those facilities matching your search criteria that reported at least one extremely hazardous substance (EHS).
  5. After a search has been performed, you can click on any of the column headings to sort the results by that column.
    The first time you click on a column the results will be sorted in ascending order, clicking on the same column again will sort the list in descending order.
  6. Once you have located the facility and reporting year you are searching for within the search results, click on the report year for that item to view the detailed Tier II report.
  7. If you would rather have a listing of all reports than use the search capability, a comma separated file (.csv) can be downloaded here along with a text file containing the file layout and description. Depending on the amount of data, the size of the report file can be up to 350 megabytes (350MB).
  8. Any information not found on this website may be requested under the Freedom of Information Act. FOIA information and information request form.
Facility Name: Reporting Year:
City: Zip Code:
County: Only EHS facilities.
Street Address: