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Hazardous Materials Incident Report
*NOTE: The following fields have been deleted or redacted from some of the reports contained in this database: Callback Phone, Number Injured, Number killed, On Scene Contact Phone, Responsible Party Contact Person, Responsible Party Callback Phone.
Incident Number: H-2024-0397
Incident Report Date: 5/18/2024 9:35:57 PM
Street Address of Incident Location: 25915 S. Frontage Rd.
Incident Location City: Channahon
Incident Location County: Will
Entered By: Watkins, Toni (IEMA)
Data Input Status: Closed
Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST)?: No
Caller: Terry Cirbo
Caller Represents: Exxon Mobil Joliet Refinery
Hazmat Incident Type: HAZMAT: Fire
Incident Location
Date/Time Occurred: 2024-05-18 15:46
Street: 25915 S. Frontage Rd.
City: Channahon
County: Will
Area Involved: Fixed Facility
Latitude: 42.21669
Longutude: -89.0249
Media or medium into which the release occurred: Air
Weather Information
Temp: 85
Wind: 0
Materials Involved
Name: SO2
Type: Gas
CAS#: 7446-09-5
UN/NA #: unknown
Is this a 302(a) Extremely Hazardous Substance?: Yes
Is this a RCRA Hazardous Waste?: No
Is this a RCRA regulated facility?: Yes
Container Type: process unit vessel
Container Size: unknown
Amount Released: unknown
Rate of Release/min: unknown
Duration of Release: 2.5 hours
Cause of Release: overfill or leaking fuel line
Estimated Spill Extent: unknown
Spill Extent Units:
Date/Time Incident Occurred: 2024-05-18 15:46
Check if Unknown (Occurrence):
Date/Time Discovered: 2024-05-18 15:46
Check if Unknown (Discovered):
WhereTaken: 0
On Scene Contact: Art Arias
Proper safety precautions to take as a result of the release, including evacuation: none
Number of People Evacuated: 0
Assistance needed from State Agencies: none
Containment/cleanup actions and plans: none
Responsible Party
Name: Exxon Mobil Corp.
Facility Manager: Ben Riser
Facility Manager Phone #: 815/521-5297
Street: 25915 S. Frontage Rd.
Emergency Units Contacted
Contacted ESDA?:
ESDA on Scene?:
Specific ESDA Agency Contacted: 0
Contacted Fire Department?:
Fire Department on Scene?:
Name of Fire Department Contacted: 0
Contacted Police Department?:
Police Department on Scene?:
Name of Police Department Contacted: 0
Sheriff Police Department?:
Sheriff Department on Scene?:
Name of Sheriff Department Contacted: 0
Was an Agency Other than ESDA, Fire Police or Sheriff Contacted?:
Was this Other Agency On Scene?:
Name of Other Agency Contacted: In house Fire Brigade
Agency or Persons Notified
AgencyDate/TimeName of PersonNotification Action
IEPA2024-05-18 21:38Yeric YarringtonContacted
IEPA/NRTP/Reg.2/Will Co. LEPC2024-05-18 21:42Report Sent
Plant was evacuated
Follow-Up Information
Please see the attached EPCRA written follow-up Report from Exxon Mobil, dated, June 17, 2024. (DMartin 6/20/24)