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Hazardous Materials Training

Welcome to the Hazardous Materials Training Section

Are you required by 29 CFR 1910.120 to be certified at the Hazardous Materials Awareness level?

The Illinois Emergency Management Agency can help....AT NO COST TO YOU!

  Hazardous Materials Awareness Instructor Database


    Federal funds allocated from the US Department of Transportation are used to provide hazardous materials training to all first responders in the State of Illinois to include those public employees who may come across a hazardous material during the course of their work day. The training is designed to provide a base level of knowledge so that the first responder is safely able to protect him/her self and the general public. The funds are allocated to the Illinois Fire Service Institute (IFSI) and the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA). Through these Agencies, training is available to first responders free of charge.

    The Hazardous Materials Awareness Training Program through IEMA was last updated in January 2009. IEMA will be working with IFSI on updating this curriculum to reflect the latest changes to the 2016 ERG. All IEMA Instructors will be provided the new curriculum along with all new materials and tests once these changes are implemented. IEMA will provide an Update to the curriculum as the new ERG's are distributed (every 4 years).

    Below you will find a list of the Hazardous Materials Awareness Training courses that are offered through IEMA. Click on a course title for a brief description of the course.

Hazmat Classes Currently Available Hosted by Local Jurisdictions
    Below you will find Hazardous Materials Awareness and Refresher Training scheduled and hosted by local jurisdictions. If you would like to attend one of these trainings, please contact the person associated with the course you are interested in for more information and course registration. These classes will NOT show up on the IEMA Training and Exercise Calendar.

Calendar and Online Registration
 Training and exercise calendar
 Online training registration & tracking program

Emergency Response Guidebooks (ERG's)
    To request the most current ERG's from IEMA, contact Kelly Horn at or Lori Canterbury at The ERG's are free to governmental emergency response agencies and emergency medical service agencies. IEMA will provide 1 ERG for each emergency response vehicle. If you have questions whether you qualify, please contact us.

Related Links

Program Contact Information
    David Martin
    Illinois Hazardous Materials Training Program
    1035 Outer Park Dr.
    Springfield, IL 62703 - (217)785-9903

Contact Information

IEMA-OHS Main Office (217) 782-2700
24-hour Response (217) 782-7860
TTY 888-614-2381

2200 South Dirksen Parkway
Springfield, Illinois 62703